5 day detox

June 8, 2024

re-posted from November 2022

Tomorrow I am starting a 5 day detox with Dr. Katie.

People often ask me why I continue doing Dr. Katie’s Detox programs when I already eat a pretty clean, vegetarian, and often vegan diet. The reason is that while I do normally eat a very healthy diet, the inflammatory foods make their way back into my diet and cause bloating. I love chocolate, pizza, pasta, and WINE! I am normally pretty good about not having dairy but I do love cheese, so I also go through periods where I eat more cheese than I should. All of these foods taste delicious, but they also cause swelling and bloat for me. I need to consume them in moderation, and the Detox allows me to focus on removing them fully for the period of the Detox.

I love to go out to eat and while those meals taste delicious, they often lack the balanced nutrition my body needs! For me, the Detox is the reset that I need every few months to get my body back to craving greens and not sugars. It also reminds me how good I feel when I eat less of the foods my body doesn’t love.

I always have the meal plan delivered because I live close enough to the chef to take advantage of that option. It is a treat to have someone else prepare my meals for the week. It allows me to try different recipes that I would not make on my own. The meal delivery is a great reminder of portion control! When the food comes in a small pyrex container, my daughter often says there is “NO WAY” that is enough food for a meal! The reality is, it normally is enough because it is a balanced meal with fiber, fat, and proteins.

The Detox program also comes with coaching and support from Dr. Katie and Coach Courtney on everything from ingredient selection to learning about eating habits. The 10-day detox is a deep dive into those resources and I always learn so much from them and the other detoxers in the group.

Food is a gift, eating healthy food is a gift and taking time out for myself to take care of my body is also a gift! Everything in moderation and learning how my body best reacts to what I put into it is important learning for me.

Here is to a week ahead of healthy, clean eating!

JC ~ xoxo