Two Feet In

A memoir that invites women to reclaim their power and design their lives.

Lessons From An All In Life

Jeanne Collins wasn’t always living with two feet in—with this memoir, she shows us how she went from dipping her toe in the pool to diving in and living fully. From the trials of childhood to the crush of heartbreak, from the rush of romance to two major career pivots, readers will relate to Jeanne’s honest and heartfelt insights on how to design your life and home.

“I live Two Feet In because I trust myself now. I stick to the decisions I make for myself instead of endlessly analyzing and second-guessing. There’s no bigger blockade to progress than an internal dialogue clouded by doubt. Life requires perseverance, but it also needs vulnerability”

Jeanne Collins

Press Highlights

What they’re saying about Two Feet In

Jeanne’s story

With heartfelt insights and hard-won lessons, Jeanne’s story is infused with a sense of love, abundance, and hope. Jeanne’s philosophy is to be one with the universe while staying grounded in what we can all control: trusting ourselves and committing to our personal blueprints. Hence feet, two of them in particular, planted firmly as the inspired designers of our own lives.

“I swapped work-life to life-work. Work is necessary because I need to make a living—however, if making a living comes at the cost of living…it’s just not worth it.  Life is too short. Seize the day and embrace the concept of saying yes to experiences and creating memories.”

Jeanne Collins

Events that inspire all in living

If you think this memoir motivates people to live all in, wait until you experience Jeanne in person. Our founder is a force of inspiration for companies, executives, entrepreneurs, and design communities looking to design their lives and homes. Get in touch and prepare to be wowed.